Bangladesh Health Alliance

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Blood Banks in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In times of urgent medical need, access to reliable blood banks can make all the difference. Whether you’re seeking assistance for a loved one or preparing for emergencies, our curated list provides essential information about various blood banks across Dhaka. From contact details to locations and operational hours, empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate through critical situations with ease. Discover the closest blood banks to your location and ensure timely access to life-saving resources. Explore our guide to Blood Banks in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and be prepared for any medical contingency.



What is the process for donating blood?

Answer: Donating blood typically involves a simple procedure. Upon arrival at the blood bank, you’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding your medical history. A quick physical examination follows, including checking your blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin levels. Once deemed eligible, a trained phlebotomist will collect a unit of blood, usually around 450ml, from a vein in your arm. The entire process usually takes less than an hour.

How often can I donate blood?

Answer: In Bangladesh, individuals can generally donate whole blood every three months, with a maximum of four donations per year. However, specific eligibility criteria may vary between blood banks, so it’s advisable to inquire directly with the blood bank regarding their policies.

Are there any age restrictions for blood donation?

Answer: Yes, there are typically age restrictions for blood donation. In Bangladesh, donors are usually required to be between 18 and 60 years old. However, minors aged 16 or 17 may be eligible to donate with parental consent. Senior citizens above 60 may also donate provided they meet the required health criteria.

Is there any specific diet I should follow before donating blood?

Answer: It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet rich in iron and vitamins in the days leading up to your donation. On the day of donation, ensure you’ve had a nutritious meal and are well-hydrated. Avoid consuming fatty foods immediately before donation, and refrain from alcohol consumption for at least 24 hours prior.

Can I donate blood if I have a medical condition or am on medication?

Answer: The eligibility to donate blood depends on various factors, including your overall health condition and the specific medical condition or medication you’re on. Certain medical conditions or medications may disqualify you from donating temporarily or permanently. It’s essential to discuss your medical history and current medications with the healthcare professionals at the blood bank to determine your eligibility.

What happens to the donated blood?

Answer: Once donated, the blood undergoes various tests to ensure it’s safe for transfusion. These tests include screening for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis, among others. Once cleared, the blood is processed into its components (red blood cells, plasma, platelets) and stored appropriately until needed for transfusion to patients in need.


In conclusion, blood banks play a vital role in ensuring the availability of safe and sufficient blood supply for medical emergencies, surgeries, and treatments. Through the selfless act of blood donation, individuals contribute to saving lives and improving the health outcomes of patients in need. The dedication of blood bank staff, along with the generosity of donors, enables the continued provision of this life-saving resource.