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Correction Policy

Last Updated: October 22, 2023


Welcome to Bangladesh Health Alliance’s Correction Policy. We are committed to providing accurate and reliable healthcare information. However, errors or inaccuracies may occasionally occur. This policy outlines our procedures for addressing and correcting such issues promptly.

1. Identifying Errors

1.1 Reader Feedback: We encourage our readers to report any errors or inaccuracies they encounter while reading our content. Your feedback is valuable in maintaining the quality of our information.

1.2 Editorial Oversight: Our editorial team continuously monitors content for accuracy. If an error is identified during our internal review, it will be addressed promptly.

2. Corrections Process

2.1 Timely Corrections: Once an error is identified, we make every effort to correct it promptly. Corrections will be made without unnecessary delay.

2.2 Transparency: When a correction is made, it will be clearly labeled as such. We believe in transparency regarding changes to our content.

2.3 Notification: In cases where a correction affects the substance of the content, we will notify readers of the correction.

3. Types of Corrections

3.1 Minor Corrections: Minor errors, such as typographical mistakes or grammatical errors, will be corrected without specific notice to readers.

3.2 Substantive Corrections: If a correction involves a substantive change to the content, we will provide a clear notice of the correction.

4. Reader Engagement

4.1 Feedback: We encourage readers to report errors or concerns. Your feedback helps us improve our content.

4.2 Appeals: If you believe a correction is incorrect, you may appeal by providing additional information or sources. We will review appeals in a fair and transparent manner.

5. Editorial Independence

Our correction process is separate from advertising or sponsorships. Corrections are made solely based on the accuracy and integrity of the content.

6. Contact Us

If you have identified an error in our content or have any questions regarding our Correction Policy, please contact us.

7. Your Agreement

By using our platform and accessing our content, you agree to adhere to this Correction Policy. We are dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable healthcare information to our readers.

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