Bangladesh Health Alliance

Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud) | Laparoscopic Surgeon

Dr Md Nasir Uddin Mahmud

 Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud)

In the realm of surgical brilliance, Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud) shines as a luminary. With a rich tapestry of qualifications and a dedication to patient-centric care, he stands as a beacon of expertise in General, Colorectal, and Laparoscopic Surgery. Driven by a commitment to healing and innovation, he embodies the pinnacle of surgical excellence.

Exploring the Legacy of Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud):

With remarkable qualifications, Dr. Mahmud’s journey is a testament to his commitment to elevating surgical care:

  • MBBS: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  • FCPS (Surgery – Gold Medalist): Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, adorned with a prestigious gold medal
  • FACS (USA): Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • FMAS (India): Fellow of the Minimal Access Surgeons of India

His prowess extends to specialized training in Surgical Oncology and Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. As the Associate Professor & Head in the Surgery Department at Border Guard Hospital, Dhaka, he carries his expertise to Labaid Specialized Hospital, Dhanmondi.

Mastery Across Surgical Frontiers:

Dr. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud)’s domain of expertise covers a wide spectrum:

  • General Surgery: Delivering comprehensive surgical solutions tailored to diverse medical conditions.
  • Colorectal Surgery: Specializing in diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the colon and rectum.
  • Laparoscopic Surgery: Proficient in minimally invasive procedures that expedite recovery and minimize discomfort.
  • Surgical Oncology: Providing advanced interventions for cancer patients, further enriched by specialized training in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery.

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An Enriched Surgical Journey:

Dr. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud)’s dedication to teaching and practice underscores his contribution to surgical advancement. His expertise reverberates through the lives he touches, elevating surgical care to unprecedented heights.

Embrace Surgical Excellence:

Opting for Lt. Col. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin (Mahmud) means choosing a surgeon who blends remarkable qualifications with a compassionate approach. Begin your journey towards optimal health and well-being by scheduling an appointment today.

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